- There are 8-1/2 X 11 orange stand-alone signs with LARGE TYPE for the test "stages." The signs should be placed at the appropriate stations:
- RESERVED FOR MDSA; special sign to be placed in advance on the first picnic table under the outdoor shelter.
- PHOTO IDs; this is for applicants who do not have photos with them.
- GREETER, SIGN IN HERE, TAKE CLIPBOARD, READ INSTRUCTIONS — A table should be arranged with the sign-in sheets which are kept in a plastic 3-hole binder, most recent test dates on top. The clipboards should be arranged in numerical order and easily accessible; each numbered clipboard should have a 2 blank membership cards.
- TAKE: 1 MDSA APPLICATION — set out the box of blank Applications and Risk&Release forms for those without online printouts. Applicants should use their completed online applications.
- MDSA BANKER: PAY ALL FEES HERE — The Banker will have a "treasury box" for incoming payments and will have MDSA cash for making change. The Banker will also have separate sheets to record each person's payments (cash or check). Later in the process a refund is made to those who fail the test.
- PHOTO IDs — The copier is stationed with photo paper by the GREETER.
Please keep the equipment clean and dry and if there are any questions regarding its operation, be sure to ask the Swim Test Coordinator.
- LAMINATOR — Scissors and glue are kept together near the laminator and used as needed. Use the "self-laminating" pouches that do not require heat. Staple one finished card to the signed NYS Risk&Release form and place in alphabetical order in a folder next to Banker. Place the second card in the "alphabetical box" (there are letter separators for ABC, DEF, GHI, JKL, MNO, PQR, STU, VW, XYZ). Keep until the applicant returns with his/her clipboard and application signed off on as PASSED.
- DATA ENTRY — Not done at the test; the DB Manager will update applications off site and provide passwords for non-online applicants. After applicant passes the test, pays, and has cards laminated, completed applications should be proofread for clarity and completeness and placed alphabetically in the day's active test folder for the DATABASE MANAGER.
- PROOFREADER, COMPLETED TESTS, RETURN FORMS HERE, GET YOUR CARD AND MDSA INFO — This could be located near BANKER; PROOFREADER will check hand written applications for clarity and completeness, and the Test Team leader will
hand over the membership card and the MDSA Welcome Letter and Information and SUGGEST VOLUNTEERING — something that should be worked out among the volunteers at the beginning of the session, just so that nothing gets lost in the process.
- BEFORE LEAVING THE SITE, please be sure that the day's Applications and Risk&Release forms with cards are collected and alphabetized, all signs and props are collected and organized back into the main Swim Test materials container, and ALL equipment and supplies are accounted for and stored properly. Be especially careful with the copier which is stored at Moriello along with the MDSA card table. The treasurer's box should have a deposit slip written up with the incoming checks and a count of the cash on hand. Clipboards should be restocked with 2 blank membership cards each and placed in numerical order. Everything should then be delivered back to the MDSA Coordinator or test leader in good order.
And a BIG APPRECIATIVE THANK YOU to all who volunteer for the Swim Testing sessions!